SEO site

sazansite with 7 years of experience in search engine optimization


In today’s world we turn to online search engines like Google, Yahoo and others to find answers to almost all of our questions. So it’s only natural that businesses and website owners everywhere are doing everything they can to get their information out to search engines faster and more easily, and to show it to more people by showing up in Google’s first searches. . This is exactly what is known as SEO. SEO means site optimization to get a higher rank and be placed in the initial search results of Google.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a concept that has been around for less than two decades. However, it is better to know that SEO has created employment for many people and most businesses use it to find a better position in Google.
However, not everyone can do SEO. Because this work is a specialized work that can only be done by SEO experts and skilled companies.

SEO steps in site builders

sazansite site is one of the best site design and SEO companies that SEO your site according to the following steps.

It studies the site and competitors

In addition to studying competitor sites, site builders also conduct a comprehensive study of the client’s site to determine the strengths and weaknesses to work on them in addition to a comprehensive study of the target market.

Searches for keywords

Site builders use Google tools to study the words searched by the target audience to search for services or products of the site and determine the appropriate keywords to work on targeting them.

technical analysis

Performs comprehensive and in-depth technical analysis of the site to find technical points that prevent the site from being archived by Google and tries to solve them based on Google’s recommendations and ensures that the best technical SEO practices are used to overcome Technically applied to competitors.

Keyword map

Filtering and defining the keywords to work on and targeting them by setting up a keyword distribution map for each page on the site is very important to avoid confusing Google by targeting a number of pages for the same keyword, and site builders to Your growth finder uses this method.

Configuring website pages

Reconfiguration of site pages to target keywords identified by improving SEO elements for each page such as meta titles, page descriptions, internal titles, image SEO, internal links. They help in better SEO of the site. That’s why site builders always configure sites.

Create backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most important Google ranking factors, so site builders try to get strong backlinks compatible with Google’s standards. Even if it leads to negative results and helps to improve the ranking of the site.


Increase site speed

If the pages of your site are loaded slowly so that the statistics of site visits are minimized, in this case Google will reduce the credibility and rank of the site.


Different content

It is very important for Google that you create different content and the most important thing is to meet the needs of users in your content.


Appropriate key phrases

A reliable site uses suitable and balanced keywords to improve user experience and be better seen in search results.

Why should we do SEO for our site?

With the increase in the percentage of searches through search engines for services, products or even information, it was necessary for every website owner to improve his site through search engines to appear in the first results and then get visitors or whatever. brought Your website needs SEO services for the following reasons:
● Google search results are always the biggest source of traffic for most websites, and SEO helps your site rank higher in Google search results.
● Site SEO helps to strengthen and validate your brand.
● Site SEO improves the user experience with the website.
● Site SEO plays a huge role in the purchase cycle.
● SEO practices are always being updated or renewed, and updating your site’s SEO will help your site grow.
● Site SEO helps you to always be aware of the latest developments and trends of the Internet.
● SEO services are relatively cheap.
● Website SEO provides new opportunities for your business.

The best SEO company

After knowing the importance of SEO services, now you need to search for the best SEO company through which you can lead your website in the first search results and then increase website traffic. Site builders is one of the leading companies in providing various marketing services including SEO services, so this company is one of the best SEO companies that can do all the following steps to get the best results for the website.
● Configuring website pages, including creating tags for search engine optimization.
● Add meta description: Meta description is the description that appears below the page title for SEO on the first page of search results.
● Image SEO configuration for search engine optimization.
● Optimizing content production for search engines
● The configuration of these two headings is one of the most important basic principles of SEO services, because it not only helps the user to understand the page, but also helps Google and thus affects the page rank.
● Create links for search engine optimization


SEO is not competition!

It is better to implement the most suitable SEO strategy for your site, then you will be the best in your path and you will take your place in search engines regardless of your competitors.

Ways to increase traffic and sales based on SEO

By investing in the SEO department, you have chosen the best path and the most targeted advertising method to attract customers through the site.


Appropriate keywords

Choose the right keywords to succeed in your SEO project.


Implementation of SEO principles

The start of SEO activities should be accompanied by a suitable business strategy.


Improve user experience

Get a better position on Google pages with a suitable user experience.


Basic design

Increase user visit statistics by professionally designing website landing pages.

Why should we entrust the SEO of our site to site builders?


Experience for years

Site Builders has been trying to provide marketing services for many years, so it has gained a lot of experience in providing the best services in a professional manner.


Quality and commitment

The quality of the services provided and compliance with all the matters agreed with the customers is one of the most important principles that they work based on in the site builders company.


technical support

Providing 24/7 technical support for all services they are trying to implement, thus guaranteeing the quality of services provided.


The best offers for services

Site Builders strives to provide the best offers for marketing services that suit all customers and meet their business needs.

Benefits of SEO services

● Website SEO services have achieved amazing results in websites, because the importance of search engine optimization in websites and their services and products has many benefits that increase customer trust in your company’s products and services and It gives a distinct image to the customer of your website and services.
● Through website SEO services and search engine optimization services, you will reach a lot of targeted visitors that will increase your trust in Google and search engines, so the use of website optimization approach or SEO services is mandatory for your company and site. has been
● Undoubtedly due to the increase in the number of websites in search engines, since the number of websites in the Google engine alone has reached more than 3 billion websites. The task of SEO has become to target customers and users through your website.

What are SEO site services?

SEO services are services provided by e-marketing companies that aim to improve the website to appear in the first results of search engines, where SEO is a continuous cumulative work and the correct efforts you make for this. give To achieve the desired results, this service will increase your profit and sales, and as a result, you will reach your marketing goals.
Website SEO services are one of the most effective and low-cost marketing strategies that increase business growth with the lowest percentage of risk or cost, because search engine optimization increases your website visits and attracts audiences. And many customers who are interested in helping you.
For example, when you talk about targeting the most keywords in the Google search engine about a product, you can see that using SEO services and search engine optimization tools, you can target the most keywords related to products or You will get your services and also when doing backlink work, you will see the importance of SEO services provided by the companies and their effectiveness online.

What is SEO?

SEO, also known as search engine optimization, is the process of increasing the organic visibility of specific searches to raise a website’s ranking in search results. Search engine optimization or SEO is all about improving your blog traffic in terms of traffic quality and quantity. This is done by making changes to your website, and these actions focus on the speed of the site and the smoothness of navigation on its pages. Therefore, it can be said that SEO is one of the most important topics that helps to improve the ranking of the site.

SEO projects

Be seen better with a good site and sell more



Website design does not mean that you can quickly reach the sales plan in your business. First, you must analyze the steps of your business step by step and proceed from the website design plan to the content and SEO plan for your business. Leave these tasks to an expert you trust. You can be sure that website design for your business will bring the best results if it is accompanied by your efforts and patience.

In fact, in the direction of SEO and site optimization, there is no exact answer to this question, and to many things, including the average life of the site and the credibility and value of the site’s pages, or in fact the domain history of your website and the type of keywords and their importance with Competitors’ opinions etc. depend on other sites that are on the first page of Google, on average, they are more than 3 years old.

We will tell you precisely that the SEO of the site has a hierarchy that requires time, so reaching the desired and fundamental results and the first ranks of Google is a process that not everyone can handle. Exactly what you should do is to wait and give enough time to optimize the site in order to reach high rankings in Google, don’t rush if you choose the right path and strategy with the help of SEO experts, you will eventually get a good position in Google. Receipt.

In relation to the cost of the SEO process Or the price of SEO plans have become different discussions in this business market, especially if you have search terms and tough competitors that you need to multiply your time and effort, but in fact you should know what exactly you want to pay for. First of all, your site needs content and content management based on SEO principles. Part of the SEO costs depend on the amount of competition and keywords, and some of these costs are spent on SEO costs in addition to the SEO fee. It will be off-page

It must be the same if you plan to increase your site’s rank and find a suitable position in Google. Each of your pages must have its own unique and unique content. In fact, each page of your website must be optimized in terms of content. has been.

Dear friend, we will honestly tell you that in the big world of SEO and competition, there is no guarantee. People who promise the first Google link in this business can be said to be unprofessional in their work, because SEO is actually a path, not a destination. Or in more colloquial terms, if you advance the strategy and story of your site more precisely, you will definitely reach the destination when your target is a specific keyword that has a very high competition for this keyword in Google. If a company or team to You can guarantee a high ranking in Google, in fact, it can be said that it is not more than a lie, because Google themes are constantly changing, so you should first start with words that have less competition and improve your site in the direction of SEO.

HTTPS is a more secure protocol than HTTP. In fact, Google reviews http pages more favorably and recognizes it as a ranking signal because it increases the click rate and is faster than http.

The visibility of content in Google search results depends on several different factors, the quality of our content and what words it is, that the content is completely unique and limited and written according to SEO principles. It is important to know that for the topic to be attractive, it is important to produce content

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