Meta and its role in seo

Meta description and its role in SEO

Do you follow the meta description on your site? Friends who intend to SEO their site, you should pay a lot of attention to meta descriptions. Meta description and its role in SEO are a guarantee of increasing site visitors. Therefore, an SEO should definitely pay attention to this part. In fact, the first text that users see before entering your site is the meta description. The attractiveness and principle of the meta description will encourage the user to enter your site. As a result, this section should be placed on the site as a matter of principle. If you don’t use meta description for your article, call 09195536656 to help you in this direction.

What is meta description?

If you pay attention to the following pages while searching on Google, you will see brief explanations. This description is actually the meta description or meta description. Meta description is a very short text that provides an explanation about the content of your page. As a result, the meta description should be included in principle and according to the content of your site. If a page does not have meta description, the initial parts of the content will be displayed to the user, which is not attractive.

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What is the importance of meta description in SEO?

Descriptions do not affect your site’s SEO, but they do affect your site’s click rate. In fact, Google does not care about the presence or absence of meta descriptions on your site. But due to the attractiveness of this text, it increases the click rate. In fact, descriptions can be considered part of your site’s advertising. Therefore, if your site’s articles do not have meta descriptions, be sure to add this section to it as well.

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How to write meta description?

Meta description has certain principles that must be followed. One of the most important principles of this text is its attractiveness. In fact, the inserted text should be such that the viewer enters your site after viewing it.

Being short and concise is another feature of this text. Because only a short description of the meta is displayed on the first page of Google, and the use of long content is not effective.

The meta tag should be related to the topic of your article. Otherwise, the user will leave the site after entering, and this will have a negative impact on your site.

Do not use quotation marks in meta tags. Google will recognize this mark as the end of your work and will not insert the rest of your text into the meta description snippet.

The use of keywords in the meta description is mandatory. By doing this, you will specify your meta topic for Google.

In general, you can experience very high feedback by inserting very short content. Therefore, do not neglect the importance of meta description and its role in SEO.

How long is the meta description?

Finally, the meta description should be 160 words because it will not be recognized by Google. Therefore, a good SEO will enter their attractive content in a concise and concise form in the meta description. You can include your content in this text in such a way as to encourage the viewer to enter your site.

What if the content has no meta description?

Maybe you have also seen sites that have unprincipled texts in the meta. The reason is not using meta descriptions. Meta descriptions are displayed on the Google home page for users. If you do not include this text, the first text of your article will be shown to the user, which does not have an attractive effect. As a result, you should not expect to receive a lot of input from the inserted text.

How can we influence Google with meta descriptions?

If you have familiarized yourself with meta descriptions and its role in SEO up to this part of the article, you know that meta descriptions do not directly affect the site’s SEO. We need to pay attention to users’ motivation to include meta descriptions. Because the purpose of meta descriptions is to impress the user, not the Google search engine. Therefore, a successful site is one that can include attractive and correct explanations in its article. If you have not included this section on your site, edit your article now.

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How can we influence Google with meta descriptions?

Keywords in meta description

In order to fully respect the meta description and its role in SEO, keywords should be used in the text. The minimum allowed number of keywords in the meta description is twice, and more than that will destroy the quality and attractiveness of your text. Keywords in the meta description are displayed in bold and colorful to make it more attractive for users. How many keywords do you use in your meta description? To get more information about the impact of meta descriptions on your site’s SEO, just call 09195536656.

Where to enter the meta description?

All sites have a management access that is provided to admins and SEOs. At the end of the content entry section, there is a small box called meta description that you can enter manually. The number of words and the length of your text is also specified in this box, which you can control. Therefore, there is no need to prepare meta descriptions in advance or in Word, and you can directly enter this text into your site.

Do meta descriptions cost money?

No, you can enter these descriptions manually. It is only attractiveness that takes the first place in meta descriptions. So this simple text will make your site attractive to the viewer without cost.

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